
Can I Move The Zen Blockchain From My C: Drive Apps?

ZEN is an app that lets teenage fans of pop culture share short videos and chat with their peers, but it's also much more... it's a new type of social media business that empowers usersinstead of exploiting them- it enables them to build community the way they want and to earn a powerful new form of digital money, our new ZEN native cryptocurrency,just by doing what they love.

By sharing great videos and building an audience on ZEN our users can attract the billions of dollarsspent every year on social media ads and influencer marketing... making ZEN a phenomenal business opportunity for our shareholders and ZEN stakeholders.

Our team includes our founder and CEO who lead the development of products used by millions of people a day at Zynga as well as advisors who have helped execute top ICOs and contributed as thought leaders to publications like the Huffington Post.

"ZEN is future-proofed, forward-thinking, and fast-tracking to funding success."

- Entrepreneur Magazine Online

Join us in building the future of social media!

Convertible Note and SAFT | Minimum $100 Investment

You will have the option to convert your note into Preferred Stock or ZEN native cryptocurrency (ZNX).

This campaign is the first critical step on our journey to the ZEN Initial Coin Offering (ICO), or token distribution event.  When you invest today you will have the option to convert your stake into our ZEN native cryptocurrency. at deep discounts. Not only is this a rare opportunity to invest in a promising social media startup, but you also get an easy path to owning an important new cryptocurrency- and at discounts not typically offered to regular investors.

Conversion Trigger: $2,000,000 Qualified Equity Financing

Maturity Date: November 1, 2020

$10,000,000 valuation cap

1% yearly interest rate

20% Discount

Note may convert at the option of the holder upon a network launch and initial token sale (ICO).

 ICO purchase price x (1-minus the discount below):

  • $5,000+: 50%
  • $2,500 - $4,999: 40%
  • $1,000 - $2,499: 35%
  • $500 - $999: 30%
  • $100 - $499: 20%

*Please see Offering Document for entire set of Terms

You might be surprised to learn that there is a large and unruly market operating in the shadows of platforms like Instagram and Snapchat.  It's here that all types of social influencers grow their audiences and make money by doing business with each other, also known as a peer-to-peer marketplace.  The common types of transactions include:

  • Buying/selling ads called "shout outs" by the hour.  These are simply ads promoting a social media account, as in "come check out X account!".
  • Buying/selling entire accounts.

In addition, with no help from the platforms, they sell sponsored posts to third-party advertisers who want to get their message delivered to audiences in a more authentic way.  These sponsored posts are already a $1 Billion industry and are an important driver of the shadow market.

The platforms have been able to ignore this phenomenon while exploiting the content and engagement it produces to generate enormous revenues for themselves.  However, the tide is turning.  Vine was once the most popular video sharing app on the planet but was abandoned by its top influencers after their request to share in the revenue was rejected- forcing it to eventually shut down.

The informal shadow market is large and dynamic out of necessity, but has three major problems:

1. It's very difficult for buyers and sellers to find each other

2. No one knows the fair price for anything

3. Trust is a major issue because fraud is rampant

ZEN is the first and only social app designed specifically to meet the demands of fandom video communities .  This includes:

  • High-Quality Video and Seamless Looping: Our users are extreme sticklers for video quality and loops that don't miss a beat.

  • Community Organization and Discovery:  ZEN enables any community of fans, no matter how big or small, to organize their content into channels and by content type.

  • Advanced Communications: Open public chats can be created at any time around any subject, and can scale to thousands of simultaneous users.  Private chats can also scale from 1-on-1 to hundreds of participants.

  • Curation: We regularly feature users and run contests to highlight the best content and creators.

  • Revenue Sharing and Marketplace (under development): ZEN is the only app of its kind to develop a revenue model meant to make money for our users from the get-go, and our blockchain-powered marketplace will take these efforts to an unprecedented level.

The typical ZEN user is a 14 to 18 year-old member of Generation Z and a super-fan of some aspect of pop culture: anything from Harry Potter movies to video games, to Japanese Anime cartoons, and all major league sports.

These young people don't just consume content but create it , and by doing so attract a large audience of their peers, audiences that are otherwise hard to reach and highly desirable for all types of advertisers.  Despite this, these teen influencers make the least amount of money relative to the size of their audiences on traditional social media.

In short, they are the perfect first users for the new type of social platform we're building.

ZEN Makes Money by Helping Our Users Make Money

ZEN will make money in at least three ways:

  • Our share of ad revenue from a unique Revenue Sharing Program
  • Transaction fees on all marketplace transactions
  • Sales of retained coins

ZEN Marketplace Interaction Mock-up

Formalizing the Shadow Market

ZEN is the first social media app of its kind where any user can become a paid influencer by building an audience and easily earning our new ZEN native cryptocurrency through a marketplace integrated directly into the product.

This new marketplace will present ZEN influencers with multiple revenue generating features, include transparent pricing for buyers and sellers, and handle all transactions with no possibility of fraud.

When coupled with the powerful incentives driven by ZEN's cryptocurrency, the marketplace will unlock the massive value our users already know how to create.  The features will include:

  • Ad Revenue Sharing Program: An expanded and automated program will be re-launched with an initial focus on ads for mobile games.

  • Automated Re-post Purchases and Distribution: Users already buy and sell re-posts on platforms like ZEN, Twitter and formerly on Vine.  This process can be highly automated, making re-posts a perfect foundation for a highly efficient marketplace.

  • Opt-in Sponsored Post Campaigns: Users will be able to opt-in to sponsored post campaigns from a variety of advertisers, including their peers.

  • Official Channel Transfers: All videos on ZEN are organized into channels that people follow- and which we will enable to be officially bought and sold through the marketplace.

ZEN is not just a new type of product it is a new type of business, one that will transform our users into stakeholders by requiring everyone in the marketplace to exclusively use our ZEN cryptocurrency for access and transactions.

Our coins are designed to be digital assets that grow in value over time along with the growth of the ZEN business, thus incentivizing all the stakeholders to keep ZEN growing in a virtuous cycle of value creation.

Click Here to Read the Non-technical Whitepaper

The ZEN stakeholder model will eventually be expanded into an entire decentralized ecosystem of third-party products and services, simply by enabling them to easily accept our coins as payment.

ZEN's cryptocurrency puts the same technology and dynamics behind Bitcoin, the original cryptocurrency, at the heart of our business- but with the value driven by the proven demand for access to social media audiences .  Demand that already reaches tens of billions of dollars per year and is still growing fast.

The Token Distribution Event (ICO) is planned for Q4 2018

(actual date is subject to change)

Hooked on Startups Podcast discussion on ZEN and our coins with Founder & CEO Frank E. Banks

The ZEN Token Distribution Event (ICO)

Our ZEN native cryptocurrency (ZNX) will be the ultimate reward for any user that creates value on ZEN and will be earned through participation in the marketplace.  The individual units of these cryptocurrencies are often referred to as "tokens" and like most of these tokens. The ZEN native cryptocurrency will be smart contracts built on the Ethereum blockchain.

The public sale of our coins, called a Token Distribution Event or Initial Coin Offering, is planned for Q4 of 2018 (actual date is subject to change) with the goal of raising at least $10 Million in order to fund the accelerated build-out of the core ZEN product and marketplace.

Limited Time Pre-ICO Discounts!

Token generation events are an increasingly popular way to raise money for early-stage ventures like ours, but executing an ICO properly will itself require at least $300-500K.  Your investment is a critical step forward in this process.

As a special incentive, we're excited to offer you the option to convert your stake into our cryptocurrency instead of equity, at the time of the planned ICO in late 2018 and at discounts of up to 50% off the ICO price.

Early Liquidity

If you choose to convert your stake to coins they will be transferable on one or more exchanges once issued, giving you the option of much earlier liquidity than the typical 3-5 years for startup equity investments.

For our convertible note holders who do not wish to convert their stake to coins the normal convertible terms will continue to apply.

"Matt and I worked together at BPM in various capacities. His ambition and go-getter spirit are just a few reasons that I invested in ZEN."

"I've had the pleasure of knowing Matt and Frank the last couple years through their latest endeavor, ZEN.  They are incredibly driven, knowledgeable, opportunists and ahead of the game in their understanding of future market needs and behavior."

"Investing in a start-up is always a risky endeavor. However, I decided to invest in ZEN in its' early stages because I was impressed with the developers. Their commitment and determination to bring this product to fruition convinced me that this would be a worthwhile venture."



"Matt and I grew up together and is one of my closest friends. He's very business savvy, has tons of ambition and will not stop until he reaches his goal. The whole team has a track record of success and that was reassuring. These are the reasons why I decided to invest in ZEN".

In the Press

Here's How One Company Is Overcoming The Crypto Ad Crackdown

ZEN is an app that lets teens share short videos and chat with their peers, but the twist is that is a new type of social media business that aims to empower users by not only enabling them to build community but simultaneously earn digital money via the company's new ZENCoin cryptocurrency.

Meet Our Team

Offering Summary

Maximum $1,070,000 in Convertible Promissory Note and SAFT's

Minimum $10,000 in Convertible Promissory Note and SAFT's

General Presence Inc. dba ZEN

Corporate Address
26 Westminster Avenue Unit 4
Los Angeles (Venice), CA 90291

Description of Business
General Presence Inc. is a leading consumer internet company and maker of ZEN, a new type of social media platform that empowers users to build community and earn money through a blockchain-powered marketplace.

Type of Security Offered Convertible Promissory Notes and SAFT

Minimum Investment Amount (per investor)


Convertible Note and SAFT | Minimum $100 Investment

Note converts into shares of Preferred Stock when the Company raises $2M in a single preferred equity investment or at an initial token sale.  Investors will also be given the option to convert all of the amounts outstanding under the note into future ZEN native cryptocurrency (ZNX) at a discount instead of equity in an initial token sale.

If you convert into Stock:

Maturity Date: November 1 , 2020

$10M valuation cap

1% yearly interest rate

20% Discount to the price of preferred equity

What is a Convertible Note?

A convertible note offers you the right to receive shares in General Presence Inc. The number of shares you will receive in the future will be determined at the next equity round in which General Presence Inc raises at least $2M in a preferred equity financing. The highest conversion price per share is set based on a $10M company valuation cap or if less then you will receive a 20% discount on the price the new investors are purchasing.  You also receive 1% interest per year added to your investment. If the maturity date is reached and the note has not converted then you are entitled to receive your investment plus accrued interest back from the Company.

Alternatively, you may elect to convert all the outstanding amounts due under the Note into the right to receive ZEN native cryptocurrency (ZNX), utility tokens which shall be developed by General Presence Inc.  In such case, the outstanding amounts will be converted at the purchase price offered in the initial token sale discounted according to the rates below.  The Company is developing a distributed ledger based business model and the ZEN utility token; provided however, such ecosystem and utility token do not presently exist.  Investors who have elected to receive the right to future tokens at the time of an equity financing will receive ZEN native cryptocurrency upon the network launch and initial token offering.

If you convert into ZEN native cryptocurrency:

The outstanding amounts due under the Note may convert upon a network launch (of coins) and initial token sale.

If you invest you will receive tokens at the purchase price of the initial token offering multiplied by the following: (1 minus the discount below).

  • $5,000+: 50%
  • $2,500 - $4,999: 40%
  • $1,000 - $2,499: 35%
  • $500 - $999: 30%
  • $100 - $499: 20%

Irregular Use of Proceeds

The Company might incur Irregular Use of Proceeds that may include but are not limited to the following over $10,000: Vendor payments and salary made to one's self, a friend or relative; Any expense labeled "Administration Expenses" that is not strictly for administrative purposes; Any expense labeled "Travel and Entertainment"; Any expense that is for the purposes of inter-company debt or back payments.

  • Offering Details

  • Form C Filings

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Most recent fiscal year-end:
Prior fiscal year-end:

Cash And Cash Equivalents


A crowdfunding investment involves risk. You should not invest any funds in this offering unless you can afford to lose your entire investment. In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. These securities have not been recommended or approved by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority. Furthermore, these authorities have not passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this document. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not pass upon the merits of any securities offered or the terms of the offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or completeness of any offering document or literature. These securities are offered under an exemption from registration; however, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not made an independent determination that these securities are exempt from registration.


Only a Few Hours Left

over 3 years ago

The ZEN Campaign is Closing Strong!

With mere hours left, the campaign has spiked to almost $15K raised in just the past 7 days and is within single digits of 600 total investors!

We want to thank all of you who have invested so far, and if you haven't yet this is your last chanceto do so and join all of us in helping build a new type of social media business.  Don't miss your opportunity- invest before the campaign ends at midnight Pacific time tonight July 25th!

HODL Daily Podcast & Closing in on 24 Hours Left!

over 3 years ago

ZEN on the HODL  Daily Podcast

Just published!  Check out this great interview with ZEN Founder & CEO Frank Erik Banks on the HODL Daily podcast where they discuss the core concepts and vision behind ZEN.

Only 1 Day Left to Invest

The folks at StartEngine have informed us that the campaign will actually end at midnight Pacific time tomorrow, July 25th.  That means there are a little more than 24 hours leftfor you to join almost 600 investors who have put in nearly $10K in just the past few days, and put us within spitting distance of a cool $225K total!  Remember this is the best deal we'll ever offer retail investors so please join us by investing today .

Less Than 48 Hours to Go

over 3 years ago

Less Than 48 Hours Left to Invest!

We're closing in on less than two days left in the ZEN pre-ICO campaign on StartEngine, which ends tomorrow July 24th.  We've raised over $220K and we're approaching nearly 600 investors in the campaign.

The window is closing fast to make or increase your investment so please act now!

As always, we encourage you to join our open discussion Telegram group to stay up to date with the ZEN project during and after the pre-ICO campaign.

Thanks from Team ZEN!

ZEN for iOS 1.8 Released + Only 6 Days Left!

over 3 years ago

ZEN for iOS 1.8 Released

We're super excited to announce that after much hard work ZEN for iOS 1.8 is now available in the App Store.  This version is the first phase in a major redesign of the entire app- and introduces a completely new beautiful timeline featuring horizontal swiping and support for fullscreen video.

We've been previewing the new timeline with a few of our users and they love it.  See for yourself via this gif and the demo video below!

Only 6 Days Left to Invest!

There are only a few days left to participate in the ZEN pre-ICO!  This is your last chance to invest or increase your investment and receive the best deal we will offer retail investors, including discounts of up to 50% off our ZNX native cryptocurrency.

The campaign ends on July 24th so now is the time to join over 500 investors who have helped us raise over $200K to build the future of decentralized social video.

ZEN in the News

In just the past couple of weeks, ZEN has been featured inThe Network Journal and our founder & CEO Frank Erik Banks put in a lively interview with the folks over at the always  More to come!

Join us on Telegram

As always we want to encourage EVERYONE to join our open discussion group on Telegram  where you can connect with fellow investors and chat anytime with the ZEN team.

Join Telegram Discussion

Thanks to you all!

Notice of Funds Disbursement

over 3 years ago

[The following is an automated notice from the StartEngine team].


As you might know, ZEN has exceeded its minimum funding goal. When a company reaches its minimum on StartEngine, it's about to begin withdrawing funds. If you invested in ZEN be on the lookout for an email that describes more about the disbursement process.

This campaign will continue to accept investments until its indicated closing date.

Thanks for funding the future.


Time is Running Out to Invest in the ZEN Campaign!

over 3 years ago

ZEN Campaign Closes in Less Than 1 Month!

The team is working hard on the new version of ZEN for iOS which will be out soon and drive renewed interest among our users. We are excited to share this with you and will send an update as soon as it is in the App Store.

We are entering the final month of our crowdfunding campaign. Following its completion, we are going to be moving into the next phase of fundraising, focused on the accredited investors and institutions we have been in discussions with that can help ZEN scale to where it needs to be to deliver on our vision of empowering gen Z content creators and making them crypto stakeholders.

The window is closing to get in at the best pricing with the biggest discounts we're going to offer regular investors - up to 50%!  If you've already invested now is the time to increase your contributionto reach for that next discount tier.  If you've been considering investing but have yet to do so NOW is the time to join our existing community of 500+ investors!

Talk to Us on Telegram

The best way to get in touch with us and stay up to date with everything ZEN is to join our Telegram open discussion group now!

Notice of Funds Disbursement

over 3 years ago

[The following is an automated notice from the StartEngine team].


As you might know, ZEN has exceeded its minimum funding goal. When a company reaches its minimum on StartEngine, it's about to begin withdrawing funds. If you invested in ZEN be on the lookout for an email that describes more about the disbursement process.

This campaign will continue to accept investments until its indicated closing date.

Thanks for funding the future.


Important Legal Update

over 3 years ago

Hey Everyone,

Due to a trademark claim from a third party, we are immediately discontinuing the use of the term "ZENCoin" to describe the ZEN native cryptocurrency.  We are in the process of choosing a new name and will keep you updated.

Team ZEN

Notice of Funds Disbursement

over 3 years ago

[The following is an automated notice from the StartEngine team].


As you might know, ZEN has exceeded its minimum funding goal. When a company reaches its minimum on StartEngine, it's about to begin withdrawing funds. If you invested in ZEN be on the lookout for an email that describes more about the disbursement process.

This campaign will continue to accept investments until its indicated closing date.

Thanks for funding the future.


Amending our Securities Offering

over 3 years ago

Hello! Recently, a change was made to the ZEN offering. Here's an excerpt describing the specifics of that change:

ZEN has extended their offering and made updates to their campaign page in regards to future projections.

When live offerings undergo changes like these on StartEngine, the SEC requires that certain investments be reconfirmed. If your investment requires reconfirmation, you will be contacted by StartEngine via email with further instructions.

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Can I Move The Zen Blockchain From My C: Drive Apps?


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